Monday, July 19, 2010

The Truth About Humans Destroying the Earth

There’s a lot of talk about how humans are “destroying” the Earth. I don’t think we really are though…

Throughout the passage of time, animals come in and out of extinction, primarily just because they were that particular animal. Of course huge wipe outs like the dinosaurs are a bit different, but a lot of these animals go extinct because of one main reason: being hunted. The Dodo bird wouldn’t be extinct if it hadn’t been an excellent source of food for explorers at the time, the Caspian tiger would not have become extinct if it did not have a beautiful coat.

Humans would not become extinct, except that its quite obvious that we were not meant to survive in the long run. Looking in the natural course of things, we are overpopulated, have the right food in the wrong places, the earth itself is beginning to reject us (global warming). Eventually, there may be a subspecies of humans or something like that… but at some point, humans as we know them now will become extinct, along with all the other various animals in the world.

I wouldn’t say it’s because humans are “evil,” it’s just the natural course of earth’s life. I suppose you could say we’re destroying it, but how do you destroy a planet? Even after human’s demise, the planet will build itself up again into something different. Earth has been hit with dramatic events all of its life, meteor showers, ice ages… countless amount of changes. This is just another phase it’s going through.

Eventually, as you might learn in an Astronomy class when you’re older, the sun will essentially explode into a supernova and the Earth will be entirely destroyed anyways in the process.

Makes you feel small, huh?

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