These simulations are often shown in our Nightly Observing Program because they offer a perspective that illustrates the kinematics and dynamicism of the universe. This is an idea that is not easily conveyed by looking through the eyepiece of a telescope. The orbits of two stars would be the simplest case- however, this would be rather dull to watch since two orbiting bodies make elliptical and periodic paths about each other. With three stars, the interaction becomes much more complex. On the right an example of three orbiting stars is shown with the trace of their orbits (the paths they follow). The three stars in this example are of slightly different masses. Most people are surprised about how complex and non-repeating this interaction is.
The animation on the left shows the case of one hundred interacting stars. This might be typical of a tight cluster of stars. The stars shown here are of equal mass and hundreds of years pass by each second. Imagine what must be taking place in a globular cluster with one million stars!
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